The world of ‘Coaching and Mentoring’ can feel like a minefield - especially if it’s something you haven’t looked into before! So, in some of my calls this week, I decided to ask a few of my clients to describe the difference coaching with me has made to them in one word or phrase. Here’s what they came up with: 💫 Positive profound impact
💰 Rapid financial growth 🌈 Motivational and inspirational 👏 Straight-taking side kick 🌻 Fantastic results 🥰 Enthusiastic and knowledgeable Wow! It looks like coaching really is more than improved cashflow and goal setting… 👏 I felt really touched that they all shared with me something so lovely. In truth, I feel as lucky to have such wonderful clients in my life as I think they feel to have me in theirs. 💕 When you think of coaching, what is the first word that springs to mind❓
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June 2024