😏 So, what do I mean by accidental I hear you ask?
An accidental manager is someone who finds themselves in a senior role because either: ✔️ They were good at a particular part of their job i.e. Sales. ✔️There wasn't anyone else around & the role needed to be filled. ✔️Their potential was recognised. Unfortunately, accidental managers often never get the management coaching they deserve. They are often left to their own devices which can lead to problems with their teams including high staff attrition rates, low moral, inefficiency & reduced profitability. Not to mention that the manager usually feels pretty sh*t about themselves! I really believe that most of us want to go home feeling good about what we've done that day. Constantly feeling that you are underperforming, that your team doesn't respect you or your boss doesn't like you can lead to mental health issues. I've coached 100's of managers & the 2 top things they all needed were coaching on DISC profiling (how to communicate & manage each of the 4 profiles) & Self Management (including planning, prioritising & handling stress). They should be compulsory in my book! Have you ever been an accidental manager?
One of the reasons clients come to me is because they are stuck.
The reason they are stuck is they don’t know how to move forward. Is it because they are stupid? Is it because they are incompetent? No of course it’s not! These people are highly intelligent, successful people. The reason they are stuck is that they are often missing a piece of the puzzle. That piece is an outside perspective from someone who: ✅ knows business inside & out ✅ will share tips & tools they’ve never heard off ✅ will challenge them. ✅ will hold them accountable ✅has their best interest at heart That is enough to unstick them! ❓What do you do to gain outside perspective when you get stuck❓ |
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December 2024