Procrastination is common. In fact, many of my clients arrived with their email inbox overflowing and their desks piled high (literally and figuratively!).
In my experience, leaders that do not keep their focus aligned with their goals are more likely to get lost in work that can be easily delegated, or in tasks that are irrelevant. I would also say that emotional overflow, such as stress or tiredness, as well as not trusting our teams are also common reasons why procrastination takes over! So, how can you stop procrastinating❓
Ah, the eternal dance between chasing dreams and counting the £££'s – that's where the real entrepreneurial magic happens! 🎩✨
Passion fuels our engines, propelling us to create, innovate, and conquer the world. But let's face it, even passion needs a steady paycheck. 💰 So how do we balance this dynamic duo? Let's face it, being a manager comes with its rewards, but it also brings immense responsibility and challenges that can lead to stress and burnout. As leaders, it's crucial to prioritize our well-being while steering our teams to success. Here are some valuable tips to tackle stress head-on:
🔹 Set boundaries: Learn to say no when necessary. This is really difficult for some leaders, especially new managers who feel like they need to be 'everything to everybody'. 🔹 Learn how to delegate effectively: If you find that delegated tasks often land back on your desk - you might want to look at the way you delegate...
Well, what if I told you there's a way to inject some spirituality into your business practices and make your workplace a happier, more fulfilling place?
Is there really a place for spirituality in business? Now there's a question! I know what you're thinking – "Spirituality? In business? That sounds like a recipe for disaster." But hear me out. Practices like meditation, gratitude, and compassion can actually lead to increased focus, reduced stress, and improved teamwork. Plus, it's a great excuse to wear your yoga pants to the office! Here are some examples of companies that have incorporated spirituality into their workplace culture...
🤔 Ever felt a little bit like a fraud? That you are improvising? That everybody is more knowledgeable than you? That you may get found out? Do you ever wonder how you got into the position you're in? Do you worry that you are not good enough? That you've simply been fortunate?
✅ Well here's the thing... Imposter syndrome and these type of thoughts are WAY more common that you'd think! Since I've been coaching business owners, managers, directors, and team members for 14 years, I can honestly state that almost everyone I've dealt with has experienced imposter syndrome in at least one situation. Even those making 6 and 7 figures... I absolutely love reading and learning new things. Good job really as I have to keep current for my business!
My vote is for a book that's had an incredible impact on my life - The Inside Out Revolution (The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever) by Michael Neill. Totally life changing stuff! It gave me a completely different perspective on life and helped me to really see how success and happiness can be effortless. I can't recommend it highly enough! What about you? What book has changed your life this year? Who has either a bad habit that you want to break or a good habit that you want to create? Pretty much all of us, I think!
Here are some bad habits you may want to get rid of and some good ones you may need to adopt! Bad habits that you may want to stop since they are likely to be hindering your success: -Flitting from one thing to another
ABout meBusiness & management coach, mentor, trainer, author, speaker, social entrepreneur, (and chief pot and bottle washer!) Categories
June 2024