DISC is a fab tool for teams that can help them work together better and avoid unnecessary drama.
Here are 7 reasons why you & your team should learn about DISC profiling: 1. Say goodbye to awkward misunderstandings: By understanding each other's communication styles, you can avoid a lot of miscommunication. No more wondering if your co-worker meant to sound rude or if they're just having a bad day! 😀 2. Better team work: With DISC profiling, you can identify each other's strengths and weaknesses and use that knowledge to work together more effectively. 3. Be a better leader: When you understand your team members' personalities, you can lead them more effectively. Think of yourself as a wizard who can cast spells to motivate your team and make better decisions. 😀 ...
Dealing with passive aggressive behavior in the workplace can be a real pain in the neck, but first, you have to know how to spot it. Here are some hilarious ways to recognize passive aggressive behavior:
The Eye Roll: If your co-worker rolls their eyes every time you speak, they might be harboring some passive aggressive feelings towards you. Or they could have a twitch. Who knows? The Silent Treatment: If you notice that someone is suddenly not talking to you, it's a red flag that they may be using the silent treatment as a passive aggressive tactic. Or maybe they just have laryngitis? The Sigh: If someone lets out an exaggerated sigh every time you ask them to do something, they may be trying to express their frustration in a passive aggressive way. Or maybe they just really enjoy breathing out loudly?... Being a new manager can be exciting, but also intimidating. To help you avoid some of the classic pitfalls, here are 10 things a new manager should never do!
1. Don't pretend you know everything on day one, because we all know you don't. You might as well wear a sign that says, "I'm new here, please don't ask me anything too difficult." 2. Don't micromanage your employees. Let them breathe! Remember, they're adults, not pets. Unless they're actual pets, in which case you're in the wrong meeting. 3. Don't play favorites. It's not primary school, and you're not a substitute teacher. (Unless you are, in which case, hi, Mr. Johnson!)... So, what exactly do I mean when I say "accidental"?
An accidental manager is someone who ends up in a senior position because: • They were outstanding at a specific aspect of their career, such as sales. • There was no one else available, and the position needed to be filled. • Their potential was recognised. Unfortunately, many accidental managers never receive the management training they require. They are frequently left to their own devices, which can result in issues with their teams, such as high employee attrition, low morale, inefficiency, and decreased profitability... I was recently asked what my top tips for success were, so here they are! They will work whether you are a business, NGO, or charity!
1. Establish both a short and long-term vision, then plan on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. 2. Concentrate on your lead measures, which are the everyday tasks that will assist you in achieving your objectives. Make them quantifiable and specific... Who remembers Vicky Pollard and her 'Yeah but no but' in a VERY strong Bristolian accent?
What with 12 ASBO's before she left school at 11 and swapping one of of her 12 kids for a Westlife CD, she didn't really show us Brissle folk in a very good light! So let's talk about the word BUT... Mostly, whenever we add BUT to a sentence it pretty much negates what we said prior to that... |
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December 2024