tip 14) End procrastination in under 4 minutes! (watch the video now...really – watch it now!)6/10/2018
The stuff you love and are good at will often depend on your personality profile type (more on that in a future blog). If you are outgoing and confident, you'll probably love to do anything that involves connecting and talking with others – whether that’s face-to-face, on the phone, email or social media, and your paperwork is probably a bit of a nightmare! On the other hand, if data and detail is your thing, you probably like nothing better than studying a spreadsheet and would rather stick pins in your eyes than go networking! Either way, unless you are in a position to outsource the things you don't like and are no good at (which I highly recommend by the way) – you have to do it! Have a watch of this – I absolutely love Mel Robbins and her 5-second rule. #tbsbn #businesstips #success #brisbiztips #happime #tbsbn #thebristolsmallbusinessnetwork
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