Starbucks is a classic example of offering too many choices. They state they offer over 80,000 drink options with so many different beans, coffee types, milk types, etc., to choose from. We either take ages to choose or choose what we always have as it's easier and safer. If we try something new, we can often get anxious that we made the wrong choice and won't like the new drink so much! The same thing happens with takeaways – most of us stick to what we know and order the same every time.
There is a famous jam study that proves this point further conducted by Sheena Iyengar (The Art of Choosing). She set up a jam sample display in a gourmet market, and every 2 hours switched from 6 sample choices to 24 sample choices. On average, each shopper tasted 2 jams regardless of the size of the display. 60% of customers were drawn to the larger display, with only 3% of them actually buying jam. Whilst only 40% stopped at the smaller display, a whopping 30% actually purchased a jar. Now isn't that interesting? Jo x
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